
FeS2 would not have been possible if it were not for the excellent Virtutech Simics simulation infrastructure and the freely available academic licenses.

The FeS2 multiprocessor memory model is provided by Ruby, originally developed by Milo M. K. Martin and Dan Sorin at the University of Wisconsin. The specific version of Ruby we use is based on a fork (developed at the University of Pennsylvania) from a pre-release version of GEMS. For this reason, all questions related to the FeS2 version of Ruby should be directed to the FeS2-devel mailing list. However, users of FeS2 should still register with and cite the summary paper of Multifacet's GEMS. We would like to thank the members of the Wisconsin Multifacet project for their excellent work pioneering timing-first simulation methodology in GEMS and being kind enough to open source all of it under GPLv2.

FeS2 heavily leverages the x86 decoder and functional uop implementations from PTLsim. Due to significant modifications, all questions related to PTLsim source included in FeS2 should be directed to the FeS2-devel mailing list. However, users of FeS2 should cite the PTLsim summary paper. We would like to thank Matt T. Yourst for his excellent work on PTLsim and being kind enough to open source all of it under GPLv2.

Our FeS2 repository includes a slightly modified version of the TraceVis visualization tool originally developed by James E. Roberts at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. We have used TraceVis extensively to help with both debugging the simulator and analyzing its behavior and have found it to be invaluable.

FeS2 itself was developed in a collaboration between Naveen Neelakantam and Craig Zilles from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Colin Blundell and Milo M. K. Martin from the University of Pennsylvania, and Joe Devietti now at the University of Washington.

We would like to thank Girish Venkatasubramanian from ACIS Labs at the University of Florida for contributing to the compilation and getting started instructions.

We would also like to thank Simha Sethumadhavan and his students at Columbia University for contributing their FeS2 and Simics tutorials.